Sunday, August 30, 2009

one point perspective

1 comment:

  1. Dominique,

    I had meant to tell you this during class yesterday, but it slipped my mind. I didn't want to write all of this down on the back of your drawing, so I was just going to verbalize it to you. So, allow to explain it now: I told you, when we worked out our deal for you to turn in this work late, that whatever grade I gave the work, I'd dock it one minus (for example, a C- would be a D, a B would be a B-, etc.). Well, the grade written on the back of your drawing is actually the grade it earned BEFORE assessing the extra minus. In my gradebook, I recorded the B- I gave your drawing, but gave myself a small mark next to the grade to remind me to assess the extra minus when I average all the grades together. So, yes, you have a B- on your homework, but it will average out to a C when I'm adding up grades later on. So, if you'd like that grade to increase, get the drawing reworked and turned in to me by next Wednesday.

    Take care,
